


International NGOs


Capacity building for mental health services

Facilitation of change within complex healthcare systems

External facilitation and "trouble shooting"


Teaching and workshops








Capacity building for mental health services


Mental health services are now being developed in low income countries where people have used traditional healers for hundreds of years. How communities care for the mentally ill stems from, and is embedded within, specific belief systems and language. Integrating different approaches to healing within any development of mental health services can be a challenge to policy makers, government departments and Western trained staff. 

Jane can assist in the planning of integrated services. Workshops for staff develop expertise in working across and within different cultural and language paradigms. Creative, locally relevant syntheses of traditional and Western approaches can therefore be generated.

See WHO document – Integrating Mental Health into Primary Care: A Global Perspective


For a review of some of the major issues in the integration of traditional and Western approaches in mental health see: (opens PDF file in new window)


Gilbert, J. (2008) Mental health: culture, language and power.

In Global Health Watch 2. Zed Books.


Gilbert, J. (2006) Cultural imperialism revisited: Counselling and Globalisation

International Journal of Critical Psychology, Special Issue: Critical Psychology in Africa, 17, 10-28.


Gilbert, J. (1999) Responding to mental distress: Cultural imperialism or the struggle for synthesis?

Development in Practice 9(3), 287-295.


DFID Mental Health Issues Paper